Report: Mom Going To Need You To Pitch In Around House After Her Procedure

IRVINE, CA—According to a report issued to you and your siblings Wednesday, Mom will need you to pitch in around the house next week after she goes in for her procedure. “She’ll have the air cast on for seven to 10 days, so you should help take care of the dishes, put away your laundry, and keep the plants on the porch watered, okay?” the report stated in part, noting that it would likewise be nice if you offered to grab something from the kitchen for her if she needs anything. “It would also be a big help if you could pick up after yourself in the living room without her having to ask, because she’ll be pretty tired at first and won’t be able to walk around much. She would certainly appreciate it.” The report went on to state that you know how much Mom would do for you if you were in her position.