
The Case For And Against Prayer In Public Schools

As it continues to be a hot-button issue for lawmakers, here are the cases for and against allowing prayer in public schools:


Students’ vocabulary expanded to include “tresspasses,” “apostolic,” “prodigal,” “fiery wrath”

Genuflecting satisfies daily physical activity requirement

Hypocritical for schools to ban prayer while promoting secular magic such as chemistry and earth science

Might stave off God’s righteous annihilation of America a little longer

Gives teachers one goddamn minute of peace and quiet


Mandated prayer creates hostile environment for the hellbound

Time spent mindlessly regurgitating invocations could be spent mindlessly regurgitating standardized test material

Irresponsible to trust untrained children with the immense, fearsome power of prayer

Underfunded schools lack resources to provide every student with own rattlesnake to handle

Would require some real constitutional gymnastics to exclude non-Christian prayers