Braves Manager Reminds Players He’ll Throw Out All Unclaimed Steroids In Locker Room Fridge On Friday

ATLANTA—Stressing that the small bit of housecleaning still needs to be addressed, Atlanta Braves manager Fredi Gonzalez reportedly reminded his players Wednesday that he will be throwing out all unclaimed steroids left in the locker room refrigerator by the end of the day on Friday. “Just wanted to let you guys know that any solution vials, tablet bottles, and topicals that are still left on the fridge shelves will be discarded at the end of the week,” Gonzalez wrote in an email to the team obtained by reporters, adding that if players do not pick up their performance-enhancing drugs by then, he will assume they no longer want them. “Some of these bottles of Winstrol have been sitting in there untouched for weeks, and we’re starting to run out of space. I want to get it all cleaned up before our next road trip so we’re not coming back to a mess. Please label such items or let me know if you still want them.” Gonzalez reportedly concluded the message by stating that he expects whoever spilled testosterone cream all over the refrigerator’s bottom drawer to clean up after themselves.