First Holiday Season Without Grandma Incredible

MARBLEHEAD, MA—Expressing appreciation for the more relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, members of the Shaw family confirmed Thursday that the first holiday season without grandmother Ethel Shaw had been absolutely incredible. “Sure, we miss Grandma and all, but it’s been pretty great this year without her sitting in the corner looking totally miserable while the kids open presents,” said grandson Kyle Shaw, 31, adding that not having to watch his 89-year-old grandmother struggle to swallow candied yams or help her hobble to the bathroom had made this year’s celebration more festive and carefree. “We can finally have conversations without slowing down and repeating everything for her. Plus, when we finish eating, we can just head out to a movie theater. No dropping Grandma off at her retirement home on Christmas night, which always put a damper on things. Frankly, the past few days have been amazing.” Shaw told reporters that everyone in the family had been in such good spirits that they barely even remembered that their grandmother was gone.