Elderly Parents Staying Active By Frequently Going To Friends’ Funerals

PRESCOTT, AZ—Noting that the regular outings have improved the physical health and well-being of the aging couple, the children of Robert and Patricia Doyle told reporters Friday that their elderly parents were staying active by frequently attending their friends’ funerals. “It’s a nice excuse for them to get out of the house every few days, and Mom and Dad always seem to be more energetic whenever they head to one of their friends’ memorial services,” said daughter Alison Doyle, adding that the opportunities to converse with their remaining acquaintances at open-casket viewings were also helping to keep her parents’ minds sharp and alert well into their 70s. “I used to worry that they’d just be sitting around at this age, but they’re out there all the time meeting up with old friends at cemeteries and funeral homes. Honestly, my only concern now is that they might push themselves too hard. Sometimes it’s a pretty long walk for them all the way from the car to the gravesite and back, especially if they’re doing that two, three times a week.” Doyle, however, expressed concern that many of the benefits of her parents’ activity might be counteracted by the unhealthy cake and pastries served at their friends’ wakes.