
Nation Checks Out CNN.com To See What Their Old Pals The Tsarnaevs And Castros Are Up To

WASHINGTON—Americans nationwide turned to the news website CNN.com today to see what was kicking with their old buddies Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev and alleged rapist and kidnapper Ariel Castro and his brothers. “Okay, time to check up on my little pals the Tsaernevs and Castros, find out what’s new with those kooks,” said Denver resident Danielle Lebow, 43, as she typed “CNN.com” into a web browser and pressed enter. “Who knows, maybe I’ll pop by a story on James Holmes, too, see that how that guy’s doing these days. Gotta know how all of my little friends are holding up.” At press time, citizens had reportedly migrated to HuffingtonPost.com to look in on their friend Benghazi to see what “the big guy” was up to.