Turkish Actor Thinks He's Cüneyt Fucking Arkin

ISTANBUL—The cast and crew of the Turkish film Arada confirmed this week that local actor Ahmet Demir, 28, is strutting around the set like he’s goddamned film superstar Cüneyt fucking Arkin or something. “Who does this arrogant prick think he is? The two-time Golden Orange Award–winning star of Battal Gazi Destanı?” said the film’s cinematographer, Kadri Polat, shaking his head in irritation. “Look, I’ve worked with Cüneyt Arkin, and this guy’s no Cüneyt Arkin, okay? This asshole is a poor man’s Aytekin Akkaya—if that.” At press time, sources confirmed Demir “will be lucky to if he gets to make another picture at Film Sokaği Studios, that’s for goddamned sure.”