Team Returns To Stadium In Dead Of Night To Retrieve All They Left On Field

COLUMBUS, IN—Members of the New Albany Bulldogs high school football team reportedly returned to East Stafford Stadium in the dead of night Friday and attempted to recover everything they had left on the field earlier in the evening. “We left everything we had out there, which was great, but now we have to get it back before our next game,” said Bulldogs starting tailback Chris Stephens, adding that the team also needed all of it for practice. “After a long bus ride home, we suddenly realized we just left it all sitting there, strewn all over the field. Of all the stupid things to forget, ‘everything we had’ has to be the dumbest.” After a two-hour search, the team expressed frustration upon discovering their opponents had taken everything the Bulldogs had left out there, with the East Stafford Raiders claiming it was their own absolute best.