Shane Victorino's Parents Bracing For Annual Spring Training Drop-Off Tantrum

WAILUKU, HI—Michael and Joycelyn Victorino told reporters Friday that they are preparing to deal with their tantrum-prone 30-year-old son, Phillies outfielder Shane Victorino, who they said will undoubtedly throw another hissy fit before being dragged out of the car and dropped off at spring training. “It’s just a matter of time. Once he sees us packing his clothes and his baseball equpiment, his face gets all red and he starts shaking,” said mother Joycelyn, adding that they tried to get Victorino’s grandfather to take him to Clearwater, FL, but he was unavailable. “He’s going to cry and kick and scream the whole ride there. ’Don’t make me go! None of the other players like me!’ All that crap. Frankly, I’m just happy to have him out of my hair for a few weeks.” Victorino’s parents said they hope they don’t have a repeat of last year, when Phillies manager Charlie Manuel had to call them back to the spring training facility to pick up their bawling son.