Eli Manning: The Grand Fool Of French Cinema

No quarterback’s career has alternated more rapidly between stellar, stinking and stupid than New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning. Here we take a look at his more vaunted works, that are having him hailed in France as “the impossible man and the impossible buffoon.”

Reposer Sans Paix (Rest Without Peace)
90 minutes of Eli Manning lying on the ground after a sack, contemplating whether to rise again knowing he will only fall.

Grand Yeux Et Pieds De Plomb (Big Eyes And Leaden Feet)
The innocence of Eli Manning is exposed in his lumbering feet, which betray his lofty ideals and notions of athleticism and bring them crashing to the ground.

Eli Manning: Le Pierrot De Football Americain (Eli Manning: The Pierrot Of American Football)
Despite his numerous victories and his ultimate 2008 joy, everyone knows his empty smile masks a sadness beyond his years.

Eli Parcours Le Monde Seul (Eli Travels The World Alone)
He is helped by his offensive line, he is helped by his coaches, he is helped by his brother. Yet he remains alone and incompetent.

Super Bowl XLII
His grand masterpiece, a fumbling display of mediocrity and ineffectiveness gilded with a dazzling firework display of brilliance that merely serves to highlight his inner preposterousness.

Le Clown Est Attaque Par Falcons (The Clown Is Attacked By Falcons)
A seemingly unending cavalcade of Atlanta Falcons rains down on Eli, seemingly infinite, making the hero look the silly jackass. That he attains victory reveals that we are all the fool.

Celui Qui Pleurait (He Who Wept)
When Eli Manning cries on the outside after years of crying inside himself, a stadium is brought to its knees with peels of shrieking laughter. He throws three interceptions, four touchdowns and wins.