The High Reis: Parking Garage Near Heat Arena Very Confusing

I decided to check out a Miami Heat game this week. I went with reporter’s credentials so I could get in for free and then write about it for this blog. I don’t remember who they were playing that night.

I got to Miami in the afternoon and drove a rental car to the arena. I found a parking garage a few blocks away. They tried to charge me eight bucks for a ticket, but I said no way, that is way too much. But the person at the booth said that is the price and I have to pay it. I could have gotten the receipt and had it paid for by the network, but I didn’t want to pay eight bucks for parking. What is a parking spot? It is just an empty space. I don’t think you should pay for an empty space on the ground, especially not eight bucks, which adds up. But anyway I took the ticket and went to park.

I went up the ramp to the second or third level. I walked around looking for an elevator but couldn’t find one. I had seen elevators when I was driving around looking for a space, but now I couldn’t find any. I saw flights of stairs, but screw that, I didn’t want to walk down any stairs like a chump.

I got lost in the parking garage. There were a bunch of levels to it. I couldn’t find an elevator or my car. Finally I found another person walking around so I decided to follow him. But he was getting into his car, not leaving. I stood in front of his car and shouted at him, I don’t remember what I shouted or why I did it.

I was walking around for an hour, probably. I found a vending machine so I bought a couple things from there and ate them, next to the machine, because I don’t like to eat while I’m walking. Then I looked at my watch and the game had already started, so I decided to forget the game. I found my car pretty quick after that, probably only 30 or 40 minutes.

When I got to the ticket thing, the woman tried to get me to pay the full eight bucks, even though I hadn’t gone to the game, I hadn’t even left the parking garage. I blew past her but they had one of those spike strips so my tires popped. So I got out and walked to a bus stop and eventually got to the airport.

My prediction: the Heat are playing well together and they will win the NBA title.