
Physicist Brings In Particle From Home He's Been Meaning To Accelerate

BATAVIA, IL—Hoping to use his office’s high-energy synchrotron particle accelerator for a “real quick” personal project, physicist Neil Lippmann reportedly brought in a proton from home Wednesday that he had been meaning to collide against a fixed nickel target at near light speed. “I know we’re not supposed to accelerate personal particles on company equipment, but [Nobel laureate] Leon [Lederman] brings in his own subatomic matter all the time and nobody says anything,” Lippmann said. “Plus, I’ll do it after five, so it’s not even on company time.” To assuage any further guilt over the workplace rule infraction, Lippmann promised to clean all the leptons out of the accelerator’s ion trap and leave the Van de Graaf generator looking just like new.