Flat, Unending Landscape Still Makes Veteran Cross-Country Skier Nervous Before Race

VANCOUVER—Though he has competed in hundreds of sanctioned events and two prior Winter Olympics, veteran cross-country skier Kris Freeman admitted to reporters Friday that the foreboding sight of an unfathomably flat and endless landscape still causes him apprehension before each race. “I’ve done this thousand of times before, but when I’m in that starting gate, and I see the featureless snow-covered tableau of the course ahead of me, it just scares me to death,” Freeman said. “I’ll be shaking from the monotony, but once that first rush of boredom kicks in the fear just disappears.” Freeman added that he was equally terrified every time he crossed the finish line, claiming that he’s never been comfortable with the lack of lights, television cameras, family, and fans who never shout his name or ask for autographs.