Blagojevich Just Getting Started

SPRINGFIELD, IL—Hoo, boy, if you thought Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich had finished soliciting bribes from state officials, shamelessly defying federal investigators, and generally acting like a megalomaniacal lunatic, you’d better think again. The crazy bastard, sources confirmed Monday, is just getting warmed up. “I will not relinquish my position as governor, and I will continue to fight these outrageous allegations,” Blagojevich said Tuesday, referring to the multiple counts of fraud and extortion being leveled against him, and hinting at a range of other insanely illegal activities you wouldn’t believe if he told you. “I know the good people of the state of Illinois support my complete and total exoneration, and look forward to my possible 2016 presidential bid.” As of press time, no one could believe the stones on this guy.