Olympic Rifleman Freelancing On Firing Squad

ZIRAKPUR, INDIA—Abhinav Bindra, the gold medal winner of the 10-meter air rifle event at the Beijing Olympics, revealed Wednesday that he supplements his income by providing his marksmanship services to firing squads. “It’s certainly not as challenging as Olympic-level shooting, but the money is good, you get to travel, and the hours are great,” said Bindra, who received $5,000 from the Indian government last Thursday for executing a Pakistani man found guilty of smuggling drugs. “I’m grateful that I can earn a little extra money doing something I love. I just wish it was a little more steady…. If I could get five or six executions a month, I’d feel more at ease.” Bindra said he relies heavily on the Internet to find freelance execution gigs from Saudi Arabia to Texas and recently used Craigslist to apply with a firing squad in Colombia that is hiring people to gun down cowards.