
Historical Archives: Will New York Someday Be Too Crowded For Farming?

An Issue even more worry-some to experts is the reduced acreage of cleared forest available for farming within the City limits. It is a well known Fact that no urban community can survive with out an agricultural base on which to found the City’s infra-structure. Already, plots of Farm-land in Lower New York City have grown smaller as more Acreage is used for Housing. What will become of the City if there is no room left in it to Farm crops? Said one wag “What are Manhattanites to do for Food if they cannot growe it? Have it shipped in from New Jersey?” A hum’rous Jest, to be sure, but in all Seriousness it is a Concern that must be dealt with, before o’er-crowding in New York, gets out of Control. If this be Progresse, then may God save the lot of us.