Obama Suddenly Panicked After Gazing Too Far Into Future

MADISON, WI—Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) fell deathly silent in the middle of a speech on education before the Wisconsin Teachers Union Tuesday, his failure of words reportedly a result of the Democratic nominee’s forward-looking tendencies suddenly bringing him a harrowing glimpse of a future world shaped by madness and horror. “And that is why we must all strive to make our own tomorrow together,” Obama said to resounding applause before stopping abruptly, breaking into a cold sweat, and bringing his trembling hands to his blanched face. “Oh, God, no. They’re sentient. Every last one of them is sentient!” While spokespeople from the Obama camp have suggested that the candidate’s recent comments about magnets being “our only hope for survival” were taken out of context, they did confirm that he has canceled all future appearances in New Mexico, especially those taking place during the month of October.