Curt Schilling To Start LiveBlogging From Mound

BOSTON—Curt Schilling announced Monday that, upon his eventual return from the disabled list, he will begin liveblogging from the pitcher’s mound itself in an effort order to provide the most in-depth look yet into how a player thinks when he’s on the field. “ will be going live during my next start, providing my up-to-the-minute thoughts on pitch count, how my split is working, and descriptions of what the people behind home plate are wearing, hopefully as soon as July 4 against the Devil Rays,” said Schilling, who showed up to the press conference with a laptop and a pair of glasses. “Now fans will know what’s going through Curt Schilling’s head when he’s facing young slugger Elijah Dukes with a man on second and two outs in the fifth, not to mention what I think of the alleged threats he made on his wife’s life. It’s really a shame—well, I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I guess you’re just going to have to wait!  And while you’re visiting, be sure to check out, my video-game production company. And let’s find a cure for ALS.” When alerted that laptops would most likely not be permitted on the mound, Schilling mentioned the possibility of hiding a Blackberry in the rosin bag.