
High School Student Whines His Way To 4.0 GPA

JAMESTOWN, VA—Jamestown High School senior and National Merit Scholar Jason Wagner successfully whined his way to a 4.0 GPA for the fourth year in a row, school sources reported Monday.

“Rarely have I had a student this eager to argue that he deserved an A instead of an A minus because of an unfair test question, or complain that the grading curve ’cheapens’ his high scores, or shed actual tears over missing an extra-credit question on a test that he already got 100 percent on,” said instructor Scott Flynn, who teaches Wagner’s Advanced Placement chemistry class. “This just goes to show that if you whine longer and harder than the rest of your classmates, you can achieve your goals.”

Following a lengthy two-hour conversation with Wagner, Principal Ron Schroyer named him Class of 2007 valedictorian.