Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett Get Into Argument Over Who's Taller

SAN ANTONIO, TX—Two weeks after Kevin Garnett called him “shorty,” Tim Duncan, the normally mild-mannered San Antonio Spurs center, lashed out against the Minnesota Timberwolves star following a heated height contest Monday night. “He clearly went on his tip-toes,” Duncan said. “Also, note that I play center and he plays forward, and it’s common knowledge that centers are always taller than forwards.” Duncan, who offers as proof of his superior height the fact that his shoulders are higher up than Garnett’s, also asked his former teammate David Robinson for his opinion. “I remember Kevin being a tad taller, but I’m not 100 percent sure,” Robinson said. “However, I know them both to be men of exceptional height, definitely taller than most people.” Both men are officially listed at 6 feet 11 inches, although Duncan would not rule out the possibility of a late-life growth spurt eventually making him “way taller.”