
Quaker Oats Assembly-Line Worker Fired For 'Oops! All Berries' Incident

DE KALB, IL—Richard Karl, a 47-year-old assembly-line worker at Quaker Oats’ Cap’n Crunch With Crunchberries plant in De Kalb, was fired Monday following an “Oops! All Berries” mishap.” “This cereal is supposed to have a yellow-piece-to-Crunchberry ratio of 4:1,” Quaker spokeswoman Melissa Dyer said. “But Mr. Karl failed to pull the lever that sends the yellow bits down the chute into the big funnel, so there aren’t any in Monday’s entire batch of cereal. It’s all Crunchberries.” Added Dyer: “What are we going to do with all these boxes of pure Crunchberries? You’d have to really love Crunchberries to want to eat these.”