Everything A Joke To Local Teen

KLAMATH FALLS, OR—It was revealed Tuesday that everything—from school work to Sunday church services, from requests to clean up his room to inquisitions regarding his future employment prospects—is a joke to area teen Denny Norris. “Everything’s a joke to that punk,” Denny’s father, Walter Norris, said. “I asked him to mow the lawn two weeks ago, and just look at it. He’ll go out with his friends, but when was the last time he helped out around here, for crying out loud?” In addition to categorizing all occurrences as jokes, Norris reportedly believes he is going to have it made in the shade forever. When asked for comment by reporters, Norris stated, “Yeah, I got a comment for you: Suck my ass.” In speaking to the press, Norris did not identify himself by his given name, but rather by the alternate name of “Heywood Jablomi.”