Jewish Texans Commemorate Holocaust… Texas-Style!

LUBBOCK, TX—The West Texas chapter of B’nai B’rith is holding a month-long series of events in remembrance of the Holocaust, commemorating the 20th century’s darkest hour the way they do everything… Texas-style!


“If we do not remember the past, we are doomed to repeat it,” said San Antonio Rabbi Leonard “Too Tall” Sussman at Sunday’s opening ceremony, laying a wreath before the Lone Star Of David in front of B’nai B’rith headquarters in Lubbock. “The world was silent, and in silence lies complicity. Never again, y’hear?”

Added Sussman, “Yee-haw!” He then lit the ceremonial Eternal Flame, over which a spit will be installed for Wednesday’s kosher steer cookout.

Among the highlights of Holocaust Hoedown ’97: a Main Street parade featuring red, white and blue Texas blossoms spelling out “Don’t Mess With The Jews”; a special appearance by six-time Zionist calf-roping champion Barry Lowenstein; and daily double-bill showings of Schindler’s List and John Wayne’s True Grit.

“Have we learned the lessons of the Holocaust?” asked Deborah Teitelbaum, director of Dallas’ Museum of the Holocaust. “If the answer is yes, then how does one explain events in such places as Cambodia and Bosnia? What do we tell the orphaned child in Rwanda? And how ’bout them Cowboys!”