Miss America Called Before U.N. Council for Not promoting Enough World Peace

NEW YORK—Miss America 1996, 24-year-old Angela Pierce, was called into question Sunday during a special U.N. session for what many member nations believe to be her failed promise to effectively promote world peace. According to the U.N.’s special secretary for world peace-related affairs Gavin Theweles, “Your failure, Miss Pierce, to achieve world peace is in direct conflict with your stated promise to do so in the interview round of the 1995 Miss America Pageant.” Pierce, a college student from Tacoma, WA, was censured in a U.N. resolution passed by the 64-nation body. It also made reference to her other failed promises, made during the gala pageant held in Atlantic City last July, declaring that she had “not made the world a significantly safer and more loving place in which to raise her future children,” and had “only been marginally supportive of the other girls in the pageant.” The committee did, however, commend Miss America for looking elegant in evening wear.