
Man Misidentified As Charlottesville Terrorist Suing Right-Wing News Sites

A Michigan man who received death threats after several right-wing sites misidentified him as the Charlottesville terrorist is reportedly suing the sites who spread the false information. What do you think?

Caitlin Goldberg • Part-Time Ethnographer

“This is why publishers need to be extra careful about who they encourage their audience to kill.”

Caitlin Goldberg • Part-Time Ethnographer

Josh Torres • Former Musicologist

“That seems excessive. After all, those reporters were just doing their jobs terribly.”

Josh Torres • Former Musicologist

Richard Sewell • Bullet Jacketer

“Was it Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow who said ‘Look, somebody did it. Why not this guy?’”

Richard Sewell • Bullet Jacketer