
Judge: Plausible That Trump Incited Riots

A judge has agreed that there is “sufficient evidence” in a lawsuit three injured protesters are bringing against President Trump for inciting and encouraging violence against them at a Kentucky rally. What do you think?

Jeremy Tomasin • Beet Slicer

“If telling people to do something that they then go and do is ‘inciting,’ well, then yes.”

Jeremy Tomasin • Beet Slicer

Marla Cagan • Piñata Hanger

“I forget, was that the 48th or 49th thing that completely doomed his campaign?”

Marla Cagan • Piñata Hanger

Bruno Denner • Window Froster

“It’s better to wait until someone is commander in chief before committing violence on their behalf.”

Bruno Denner • Window Froster