
Pediatricians Ease Screen Time Guidelines

Amending previous guidelines that children under 2 should avoid screen time and that teens should limit screen time to an hour per day, leading pediatricians now say toddlers can use FaceTime and Skype, and teens should simply balance screen time with other activities. What do you think?

Ted Kardatzke • Salami Slicer

“I’m going to play it safe and continue to strictly limit the amount of Skyping I do with my nephews.”

Ted Kardatzke • Salami Slicer

Craig Georges • Junior Referee

“I’ve never once considered monitoring my child’s screen time. I guess I’m a better parent than I realized.”

Craig Georges • Junior Referee

Marcie Dunlop • Button Replacer

“Sometimes a health professional just has to know when to throw in the towel.”

Marcie Dunlop • Button Replacer