
Aquarium Gives Penguins Private ‘Honeymoon Suites’ To Encourage Mating

In an effort to encourage the endangered animals to breed more chicks, the New England Aquarium is giving eight pairs of penguins igloo-like “honeymoon suites” away from the main exhibit to get them in the mood for mating. What do you think?

Emilio Lussier • Nonprofit Organizer

“I didn’t shell out $30 just to watch some sexy penguins go into an igloo.”

Emilio Lussier • Nonprofit Organizer

Chris Matheney • Systems Analyst

“How am I going to explain to my kids what those two penguins are doing in there?”

Chris Matheney • Systems Analyst

Frances Baynes • Fern Planter

“It will not shield them from God’s stern gaze.”

Frances Baynes • Fern Planter