
Social Media ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ Raises Millions For Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Foundations supporting research for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, have received millions of dollars in donations thanks to a viral campaign called the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” in which participants post videos of themselves pouring buckets of ice water on their heads and challenging friends to do the same within 24 hours or else donate money. What do you think?

Scott Bregman • Aisle Checker

“I wish every time someone asked me to donate money I could just dump water on my head to get out of it.”

Scott Bregman • Aisle Checker

Malorie Egan • Silverware Appraiser

“So everyone’s having fun, but what about those suffering from the disease? Why isn’t anyone dumping water on

Malorie Egan • Silverware Appraiser

Henry Wortel • Clay Sculptor

“I just wish Lou Gehrig was alive to see and be utterly confused by this.”

Henry Wortel • Clay Sculptor