
More Women Getting Hand Surgery To Look Good In ‘Ring Selfies’

A growing number of engaged women are undergoing plastic surgery procedures on their hands to look better in pictures they take of the rings on their fingers, known as “ring selfies,” paying $3,000 or more to smooth out skin texture and reduce the appearance of veins. What do you think?

Marion Strano • Brand Ambassador

“It’s nice having a crazy expense like this to fill the gap between purchasing an absurdly overpriced ring and throwing a ludicrously expensive wedding.”

Marion Strano • Brand Ambassador

Jerry Bresnahan • Keyboard Cleaner

“Why do that when you can just hire a hand model for about a third of the price?”

Jerry Bresnahan • Keyboard Cleaner

Ted Schubb • Floor Plan Tester

“And all this time, I never realized I could’ve been judging women by their hands.”

Ted Schubb • Floor Plan Tester