
Disney Expanding ‘Star Wars’ Attractions At Theme Parks

With Star Wars: Episode VII in the works, Disney officials have announced that the company is planning to significantly expand Star Wars rides and attractions within its theme parks to coincide with the film’s planned premiere in late 2015. What do you think?

Brandon Murphy • Paper Shredder Supervisor

“Finally, a way to experience ‘Star Wars’ beyond the movies, books, TV shows, video games, action figures, clothing, fast food tie-ins, and currently existing theme park attractions.”

Brandon Murphy • Paper Shredder Supervisor

Jeff Berger • Systems Analyst

“It’s a good way to get word out about the new films, but they should consider running a TV ad or some other campaign as well.”

Jeff Berger • Systems Analyst

Alyson Valmond • Buffet Planner

“The race is on to become the first patron banned from the Mos Eisley Cantina.”

Alyson Valmond • Buffet Planner