
Sibling Bullying Just As Bad As Peer Bullying

A recent study found that kids who were physically or psychologically bullied by siblings suffered comparable or even worse mental health outcomes than if they were bullied by neighbors or classmates. What do you think?

Arif Naser • Editorial Assistant

“Really? Because I always thought about how neat it’d be if the bully at my school lived in the same house where I slept.”

Arif Naser • Editorial Assistant

Marvin Benson • Clam Grader

“In my experience, both sibling and school bullying can be equally effective.”

Marvin Benson • Clam Grader

Ruby Dewhurst • Systems Analyst

“But I saw my little brother singing a Cyndi Lauper song into a hairbrush. Am I supposed to let that slide?”

Ruby Dewhurst • Systems Analyst