
Government Admits To Using Drones In U.S.

FBI Director Robert Mueller admitted yesterday that his agency uses unmanned aerial vehicles for surveillance within the United States, stating that the agency’s drones are used “very seldom” and in a “very minimal way.” What do you think?

George Curfman • Mincemeat Maker

“Outrageous. All domestic surveillance vehicles should have people inside.”

George Curfman • Mincemeat Maker

Jojo Gilliam • Piano Assembler

“Well as long as it’s in a ‘very minimal way.’ Otherwise, can you imagine how unsettling this would be?”

Jojo Gilliam • Piano Assembler

Dennis Raschilla • Unemployed

“I’m kind of upset about this, but I’m sure they paid a lot of money for those drones, so they should probably get some use out of them.”

Dennis Raschilla • Unemployed