
78,000 Apply For One-Way Trip To Mars

The Dutch nonprofit Mars One, which hopes to send a small group of humans on a one-way mission to establish a colony on the surface of Mars in 2022, has received applications from 78,000 people who are willing to leave Earth and never come back. What do you think?

Albert Calvo • Mortising Machine Operator

“I’d be willing to hold down the fort here if everyone wanted to go.”

Albert Calvo • Mortising Machine Operator

Marc Lin • Unemployed

“They’ll need a brash leader, a sexy female chemist, an eccentric mechanic, and a mysterious stowaway, but could they use an out-of-work insurance actuary?”

Marc Lin • Unemployed

Anya Zylberfain,  • Bottle Label Inspector

“Is there something wrong here on Earth? Everything seems pretty good to me.”

Anya Zylberfain, • Bottle Label Inspector