
Disgraced Congressman Weiner Weighing NYC Mayoral Run

Former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner of New York, who resigned from office in 2011 after accidentally sharing a photograph of a visible erection in his underwear on Twitter, has said he is considering running for New York City mayor this year. What do you think?

Vic Orsatti • Herbarium Curator

“Let he who hath not tweeted a picture of his erect penis cast the first stone.”

Vic Orsatti • Herbarium Curator

Sybil Lykins • Accident Report Clerk

“He should show he has a sense of humor about the whole scandal by announcing his run while fully erect.”

Sybil Lykins • Accident Report Clerk

Elliot Colean • Fire Eater

“I fail to see the humor in all of this. Oh, wait. Now I get it.”

Elliot Colean • Fire Eater