
Lugar Will Not Campaign For Republican Nominee

Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN) announced he won’t campaign for Richard Mourdock, the Tea Party–backed candidate who defeated him in the primary. What do you think?

LeAnn Piper • Home-Demonstration Agent

“What’s he trying to prove? That Republicans can have dignity and character? Ship’s sailed, buddy!”

LeAnn Piper • Home-Demonstration Agent

Dennis Montone • Systems Analyst

“Primaries really should have a clause that forces the loser to walk around in a sandwich board with the winner’s face on it.”

Dennis Montone • Systems Analyst

Jack Marrow • Lost-And-Found Clerk

“He reminds me of the type of guy who after you steal his girlfriend won’t even tell you what she might like for her birthday.”

Jack Marrow • Lost-And-Found Clerk