
U.S. Cuts Aid To Pakistan

The Senate Appropriations Committee voted 30-0 to cut aid to Pakistan by $33 million after the country’s government arrested and sentenced a doctor who tipped off the United States to Osama bin Laden’s location. What do you think?

Caroline Kellman • Heat Reader

“Why should everyone in Pakistan have to suffer for one doctor’s foolish decision to rid the nation of a mass murderer?”

Caroline Kellman • Heat Reader

Joe Hallier • Systems Analyst

“Now they know they need to shape up if they want to hold on to the other $1.47 billion of their aid.”

Joe Hallier • Systems Analyst

Tom Affleck • Lithographic Platemaker

“I would have voted against it. But only because I get aroused by people yelling at me.”

Tom Affleck • Lithographic Platemaker