
Fast-Cut Cartoons May Reduce Children's Focus

In a recent study, children who watched SpongeBob SquarePants were less able to complete a problem-solving task than those who instead watched an educational cartoon or spent the time drawing. What do you think?

Meredity Tulipana • Systems Analyst

“I know it’s not ideal, but if my kid doesn’t watch TV, then he might try and hug me.”

Meredity Tulipana • Systems Analyst

Wallace Trower • Harness Builder

“Oh, jeez. Honestly, I’m sick and tired of children’s needs diametrically opposing my favorite afternoon animated programming.”

Wallace Trower • Harness Builder

Trevor Malinowski • Sandblast Operator

“Yeah, but I don’t want my son to turn into one of those weird drawing kids.”

Trevor Malinowski • Sandblast Operator