
Smallpox Destruction Delayed

The World Health Organization has delayed until 2014 its decision on setting a timetable for the destruction of its storehouse of the smallpox virus. What do you think?

Cody Toussaint • Keying Machine Operator

“I can relate. It’s like you should have put away the Christmas decorations by now, but they’re just so pretty.”

Cody Toussaint • Keying Machine Operator

Louis Kador • Unemployed

“Shouldn’t be a problem. That one really good, careful forklift driver doesn’t retire until 2015.”

Louis Kador • Unemployed

Carol Spellman • Archivist

“As long as there remain pesky indigenous peoples who threaten the expansion of the European Protestant lifestyle, it’s probably best to maintain a few vials and a stockpile of blankets.”

Carol Spellman • Archivist