
Strokes On Rise In Young And Middle-Aged

Since 1995, the number of strokes among Americans age 15 to 34 has risen 51 percent for men and 17 percent for women. What do you think?

Marc Valensi • Systems Analyst

“That’s encouraging. I really have a thing for ladies with right-side-dominant motor function, and it’s never been easy to meet them in my age group.”

Marc Valensi • Systems Analyst

Renée Hammond  • Drafter

“Similarly, the number of people receiving $5 bills and a secondhand greeting card on their birthdays has spiked nearly 90 percent.”

Renée Hammond • Drafter

Todd Fraiture • Unemployed

“It’s time that Billy Squier comes to terms with the fact that his song affects more people than simply those givin’ him the business all night long.”

Todd Fraiture • Unemployed