
New 'Huckleberry Finn' Edited For Language

A new edition of the Mark Twain classic Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, forthcoming next month from NewSouth Books, will replace every use of the word “nigger” with the word “slave.” What do you think?

Quentin King • Teacher

“In my classroom, we replace every use of the word ‘slave’ with ‘nigger.’ The only reason I haven’t been fired is because no one wants to be a teacher.”

Quentin King • Teacher

Victor Duprix • Hair Stylist

“Oh, please. I thought of that years ago when I took a ballpoint pen and replaced every instance of the word ‘rape’ in

Victor Duprix • Hair Stylist

Sara Graham • Dental Receptionist

“Wait, is that what that word means? I’ve been using it all wrong.”

Sara Graham • Dental Receptionist