
Defenders Of Wikileaks Cripple Credit Cards

After MasterCard and Visa stopped letting customers use their services to send financial support to Wikileaks, hackers targeted the credit cards’ websites, making them difficult to access for most of Wednesday. What do you think?

Kyra Walters • Systems Analyst

“That doesn’t sound so bad. I’m sure Americans just did what they do best: used the cash they had on hand for the things they really needed and waited until they’d saved up enough to purchase any luxury items.”

Kyra Walters • Systems Analyst

Mike Totino • Retail Clerk

“What kind of fascist corporate sheep own a MasterCard in the first place? And I’ll go you one further: Fuck the capitalist-puppet Internet and its decadent bourgeois hacker-lackeys, too. There. Wriggle out of that one.”

Mike Totino • Retail Clerk

Ed von Trapp • Warp Clamper

“Actually, I think that was mostly me. I kept resubmitting my credit card info to Blinds.com over and over until I realized I put the expiration date in wrong. Sorry.”

Ed von Trapp • Warp Clamper