
Die Young, Live Fast

A recent survey suggests teens who believe they’ll die at a young age are more likely to engage in risky behavior. What do you think?

Mara Carlton • Systems Analyst

“These kids sound really awesome. I wish I’d had a more messed up worldview when I was younger.”

Mara Carlton • Systems Analyst

Nick Barnes • Cradle Placer

“I don’t know about this. I live by a school and have put a running chainsaw in the hands of hundreds of teens as they’ve walked by over the years and not one was willing to climb my oak tree and saw off the limb that hangs over the garage.”

Nick Barnes • Cradle Placer

Scott Bird • Incendiaries Supervisor

“My teen isn’t going to die young! He and his friends are going to live forever! SENIORS ’09!”

Scott Bird • Incendiaries Supervisor