
Craigslist Stops Running Erotic Services Ads

In light of recent controversy, including the case of the “Craigslist killer,” the Internet classified service announced it was eliminating its erotic services category. What do you think?

Barbara Hanan • Systems Analyst

“Even without Craigslist, people are still going to find a way to either murder or get murdered during sex.”

Barbara Hanan • Systems Analyst

Robert Margolin • Highway Maintenance Worker

“Good. I’m tired of all those inappropriate responses whenever I try to find a waterskiing partner.”

Robert Margolin • Highway Maintenance Worker

Jonathan Miller • Massage Therapist

“Yeah, since they removed all the postings, I’d just like to use this opportunity to say that if any uncut twinks are looking for rough service, I’ll be in room 241 at the Radisson tonight.”

Jonathan Miller • Massage Therapist