
Dell Recalls 4 Million Batteries

In the largest consumer-electronics recall in history, Dell has been forced to call back more than 4 million laptop batteries because of possible fire danger. What do you think?

Zach Pufall • Student

“That’s too bad. My Dell laptop’s constant overheating was the only thing I could rely on it for.”

Zach Pufall • Student

Casey Hamer • Appliance Repairman

“Recalls are such hassles—the packaging, the shipping, the waiting. Frankly, I’d rather save the time and just let my house burn down.”

Casey Hamer • Appliance Repairman

Carolle Fields • Network  Program Assistant

“Can I have mine shipped straight to the Bangalore call center? Because I’d like ’Jim’ to take a shot turning it off and on for awhile.”

Carolle Fields • Network Program Assistant