
Chicago Mandates Living Wage

The Chicago City Council passed an ordinance last week declaring that “big box” stores like Target and Best Buy had to pay a living wage of $10 per hour. What do you think?

Dan Klessig • Systems Analyst

“Where does it end, Chicago? Huh?! A decent education? A protected citizenry? Health care? Where does it end, you mad city?!”

Dan Klessig • Systems Analyst

Rebecca Sanders • Physical Therapist

“I’m all for people making a living wage, but if I end up having to pay more than $1.99 for a gallon of mayonnaise, I’m going to be pissed.”

Rebecca Sanders • Physical Therapist

Terry Hegel • Hardware Store Owner

“I’m just relieved that, as a small-business owner, I am still within the law to treat my workers like shit.”

Terry Hegel • Hardware Store Owner