
Mexican Immigrants Call For A Day of Action

May 1st will be the next “Day of Action” in which Latino activists will take to the streets to protest restrictive policies against Mexican immigrants. What do you think?

Brooke Gladwell • Bricklayer

“I see what they are trying to do. A day off on May 1st, then the Cinco de Mayo—before you know it, we’re looking at a 5 day weekend.”

Brooke Gladwell • Bricklayer

James Munson • Systems Analyst

“At least their employers won’t have to pay them benefits for that day.”

James Munson • Systems Analyst

John Smith • Laser Printer Repairman

“Pienso que el tema de la inmigración es absolutamente compleja. ¿Mi nombre? Juan-no. John. John Smith. Disculpeme. Debo irme.”

John Smith • Laser Printer Repairman