
Record Oil Prices, Record Oil Profits

In the face of record-high oil prices, oil companies made a record $35 billion in profits in the last financial quarter. What do you think?

Wendy Cole • Systems Analyst

“As a big believer in ’trickle-down’ economics, I know what a $35 billion profit boost means for me, the consumer: a free Atlanta Falcons travel mug with every fill-up.”

Wendy Cole • Systems Analyst

Ben Hoagland • Photographer

“I don’t know who to be angrier with: the oil magnates who continue to get richer while the rest of us struggle with day-to-day life, or the uppermost strata of our earth’s core.”

Ben Hoagland • Photographer

Harry Dawes • Printer

“We need an incisive political cartoon to take these robber barons down a notch.”

Harry Dawes • Printer