
A Polarized Nation

Many people say the nation became even more politically polarized in 2004. What do you think?

Cory Shade • Parking Attendant

“Come on. The nation hasn’t experienced a moment of unity in decades, except for the ’who shot J.R.?’ craze and those two weeks in September 2001.”

Cory Shade • Parking Attendant

Frankin Stedder • Director

“Yeah. Sheesh—

Frankin Stedder • Director

Duane Segar • Systems Analyst

“Our nation will never be healed so long as those redneck rubes in flyover land refuse to listen to reason, and continue to vote for who they want.”

Duane Segar • Systems Analyst

Karen Anderson • Cellist

“Yes, the rift between the left-leaning centrist moderate Republicans and the right-leaning ultra conservative Republicans grows ever wider.”

Karen Anderson • Cellist

Tom Knight • Plumbers Assistant

“I got this funny e-mail about the red and blue states. I can’t remember exactly what it said, but it was funny in that poignant sort of way.”

Tom Knight • Plumbers Assistant

Jill Karls • Nurse

“Polarized sounds like one of those fancy liberal words. Why don’t you just say ’right’ and ’wrong’?”

Jill Karls • Nurse