
Return Of The Draft?

As the war in Iraq drags on, some Americans fear reinstatement of the military draft. What do you think?

Sara Simpson • Camera Operator

“Well, okay. As long as it’s only a small draft and then they promise to stop.”

Sara Simpson • Camera Operator

Leonard Robertson • Systems Analyst

“A draft would be great. Going down there to sign myself up would be such a hassle.”

Leonard Robertson • Systems Analyst

James Sanders • Carpenter

“If I get drafted, I hope they put me on one of the swift boats. From what I gather, those guys are never in any danger.”

James Sanders • Carpenter

Johnny Grant • Carpet Cutter

“If I must submit to a draft, I hope I’m not picked by Cincinnati.”

Johnny Grant • Carpet Cutter

Chris Daniels • Physician

“Well, no one is getting drafted until after the election, so there’s no use worrying about it now.”

Chris Daniels • Physician

Carmen Rice • Brokerage Clerk

“That’s it. I’m voting for the candidate who would flip-flop on sending my son to die, rather than the one who’d do it without hesitation.”

Carmen Rice • Brokerage Clerk